
FAKRO at the Climate Classic Poland rally

FAKRO at the Climate Classic Poland rally


FAKROteam will participate in Cycling 4 Climate Poland - a cycling race, which main goal is to draw attention to climate protection and the need to reduce the carbon footprint. The race will take place on May 28 this year in Tricity. FAKRO's commitment in the case is an example of another initiative that fulfills the GO GREEN philosophy. FAKRO's partners and employees will participate in the campaign.


The organizer of the Climate Classic race is the Cycling 4 Climate foundation, which has international experience in organizing such events. Previous editions were held, e.g. in the Netherlands, Belgium and France.


The first edition in Poland will take place on May 28, 2023. Cyclists with their hearts devoted to our planet will be riding around Żuławy, starting and finishing the race in Gdańsk. As with the case of other Climate Classics, the long distance (100 and 250 km) is a metaphor for the collective effort needed to slow climate change. The motto of the race is: “Together we can do it. TIME IS OUR ONLY CHALLENGE”!


Races have successfully united riders. All this to draw attention to the problem of rising sea levels, which is a consequence of global warming and melting glaciers. In Poland, these changes will be felt through more frequent extreme temperatures, greater rainfall, increased frequency and intensity of hurricanes and more frequent droughts.


From the beginning, FAKRO has been close to nature and ecological solutions. We design, we plan and we produce with care for the natural environment. Offering organic and energy-saving products is inscribed in the DNA of our company - sums up Janusz Komurkiewicz, member of the management board for marketing of FAKRO.