filozofia go green


Corporate governance

At FAKRO, we are committed to ethical, transparent, and sustainable operations. We create a management structure that promotes independence and accountability. We strive to build lasting relationships with our stakeholders. Our business practices are based on ethics and sustainability. All of this is driven by our values and the pursuit of the highest corporate standards.

Climate policy

FAKRO is committed to addressing climate change and reducing the negative impact of its operations on the environment as evidenced by the Climate Policy we have adopted.

We set specific goals and actions, focused on reducing the scope 1 and 2 carbon footprint generated by the company’s operations in accordance with the 1.5°C Paris Agreement limit. We support green transformation and promote sustainable development while focusing on aspects that have a real impact on climate change.

Environmental policy

FAKRO has been caring for the natural environment and supporting pro-environmental solutions for years. Thus, we communicate that our commitments are not just a formal fulfilment of the environmental management system, but an important part of our GO GREEN philosophy. In the face of climate change and increasing environmental degradation, we make decisions carefully. We know that our current actions have a real influence on the future of the planet. Therefore, when creating our products, we make every effort to ensure they serve our customers for many years to come, and the materials used in their production process come from sustainable sources and are recyclable. These actions are confirmed by obtaining environmental declarations for our products.


 FAKRO Climate Policy

Code of Conduct

The FAKRO brand is not only having the highest quality products, but above all having the highest quality employees. Every employee in the company makes the FAKRO brand.

We strive to ensure that everyone in the world knows what kind of person they are dealing with when they meet FAKRO employees. Consistent values, attitudes and principles of conduct are the company’s calling card. The FAKRO Code of Conduct was developed to set off the canon of these values and principles with which we want to be identified.

As the President of the Management Board wrote in the foreword of our Code: "The standards included in this document reflect the Company’s policy, mission and ideals that we should all pursue in our daily work. I believe that the values enshrined in our Code will guide all FAKRO employees in their daily business life, decision-making process and achieving strategic goal.”

The Code of Conduct sends a signal to employees and business partners that FAKRO cares about consistent and well-organised cooperation.


 FAKRO Code of Conduct

Supplier Code of Conduct

FAKRO promotes the idea of social responsibility among its suppliers, wants to cooperate with contractors who care for the environment, act in accordance with legal regulations, respect human rights, provide safe and decent working conditions and apply the highest ethical standards.

The Supplier Code of Conduct is an important part of our corporate culture, supporting our efforts to ensure supply chain security and maintain fair and transparent supplier relationships.

The Code sets out the minimum standards that FAKRO Group companies require their suppliers to comply with.


 FAKRO Supplier Code of Conduct