
Light in our lives

The quality of our well-being increases in proportion to the amount of light in our lives.

What does light give us?

Natural light has a huge impact on our health, well-being and performance. It synchronises our internal biological clock as our activities during the day depend on its quantity and intensity. The human body needs an appropriate dose of natural light all day long to be active, assimilate knowledge more easily, sleep better and, most importantly, to be happier. Light is also of great significance in the treatment process as well as during work.

Today, in times of pandemic, we are more often cut off from spending time outside. Many of us, working remotely from our own homes, notice even more how important a well-lit interior is. Our brain needs natural light for many reasons. First of all, it ensures a sense of security. Secondly, light brightens up not only the rooms, but also our thoughts. Thirdly, it helps us stay focused and concentrated, which makes us more efficient. Last but not least, sunlight gives us energy to act and even supports our metabolism.

How does light affect our health?

It is very easy to notice that we slow down when less sunlight reaches us. We feel more sleepy, apathetic and tired. There is a clear decline in mood and a lack of willingness to do anything. Our susceptibility to colds and even diseases is increased, not to mention autumn melancholy or winter depression.

Therefore, it is worth taking advantage of every little ray of sun that falls into our home not only in the morning, because sunlight can fight bacteria, has a stimulating effect and is also a great therapist.

A very absorbing example is a research project by a team from the University of Gothenburg, which was carried out in the hospital.

Light in our lives

Researchers observed patients who were ill and suffered from accidents. They were placed in the ward with lighting simulating natural light (adjusted in colour, intensity and quantity to time of day). It turned out to have a soothing effect and regulated the biological clock. Patients slept better and demonstrated better mental condition than those in the control group. What is more, this effect lasted for a very long time after discharge from the hospital.

How does light help at work?

Certainly by stimulating our well-being and the ability to concentrate. According to “Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine", office workers with access to more natural daylight sleep better, are more physically active and enjoy a better quality of life than people working mainly using artificial light.

Experience shows that companies that moved their employees to offices with better access to natural light observed significant productivity gains.

If we need to provide an artificial source of light in the room, its colour in the interior concerned is very important. Warm light is best for rooms where we rest – living room or bedroom, while cool light should be in the work or study place where concentration is needed.  

How to ensure proper illumination of houses and apartments?  

The key role in providing adequate lighting both in storeys and within attic spaces is played by windows as they let natural light in. The correct location of windows in rooms under a sloping roofs is crucial and therefore their proper selection and placement is important.

We are increasingly willing to use large windows or combinations that provide plenty of natural light and stunning views outside. A good example of large windows are richly equipped FDY-V Duet proSky double sash windows with raised axis of rotation and the FGH-V Galeria balcony model.

The maximum size of these windows is 94 x 255 cm. They can be joined in combinations to create spectacular glazed surfaces in the roof slope.

Light in our lives

The FAKRO product range also includes ready-made flashing solutions that allow to join roof windows of any structure into groups of any combination (horizontal, vertical or block). It is also possible to produce a modular combination system in a non-standard size and solution.

As researchers emphasise, light is the most important factor synchronising the work of the brain and body. The proper operation of the internal biological rhythm affects our overall health.

It is the sun that gives us the light from which our body draws its energy and well-being, while we can enjoy good health. It is enough to let the sun inside, preferably through the roof windows.