The German term 'Lichtblick' describes an exceptional experience. A former farm in the beautiful countryside of Lower Austria nearby Vienna, is one of those positive exceptions: The Lichtblickhof is a warm place for seriously ill children. FAKRO roof windows are responsible for providing beautiful daylight in all living rooms.
During the summer months the Lichtblickhof opens its doors for seriously ill children and their families spending there a whole week. In this protective atmosphere the burden of the young patients who during their visits to clinics spend much time in isolation, shall be relieved as far as possible.
„This week at the Lichtblickhof is the personal highlight of the year for many kids and their families. It gives them strength and joy. We want to make their stay at the farm as nice and warm as possible, so that the children are strengthened for their hard everyday life“, says Mag. Sophie Fischer from the responsible organisation e.motion.
Week at the farm is a very intense time for the young patients. Therapists aim to ease the concerns and fears of their small patients as well as their parents. Cooking, farming, playing and laughing – that's what it's all about in these days. As there are so many people in need the house became too small very quickly – and furthermore it wasn't accessible for children with heavy mobility restrictions. That's why a new building was planned in 2013.
Accessibility at the farm
The foundation-stone ceremony was held in the spring 2014. Brick walls, windows, doors and the roof made the body of the building look perfect. In early 2015, the interior was completed and created a comfortable living spaces for children and caregivers.
With the support of many small and big donors, e.motion could build a new wheelchair-accessible home. Now children with intensive needs can also enjoy their holidays here.
FAKRO Austria CEO Carsten Nentwig supported e.motion as a labor of love. He immediately backed up the exceptional project of Lichtblickhof and donated several roof windows including accessories and exterior blinds.
„We all know about the importance of daylight and fresh air in rooms for the recovery and health of children“, says Nentwig. „With smart combined windows we create light-flooded rooms. Daylight is much more pleasant than artificial light and promotes the health of children in a natural way.“
Growing together, learning from each other
On the ground floor there is a large community room, which is accommodated with a spacious kitchen where the children and their attendants can cook and eat together. Stairs with a wheelchair lift lead to the upper floor with cosy and comfortable rooms. After an adventurous day with fun and games, cosy beds offer the children a restful sleep.
Thanks to FAKRO roof windows daylight is present in every room and delivers a bright atmosphere. In this way FAKRO is contributing significantly to a healthy climate in the house. Many studies confirm that daylight within the building is affecting positively a well-being and development of children. „Considering that we spend approximately 90 % of the day indoors, the need for intelligent daylight planning is obvious“, adds Nentwig. Dynamic lighting sets the necessary impulse for the individual biorhythm, it increases memory retention & concentration and also enhances the production of serotonin, the so called happiness hormone.
Daylight in, heat out
The Lichtblickhof has its door opened for almost a year now. After the first summer season the résumé can be given that FAKRO roof windows fit perfectly the needs and requirements of a modern living comfort. There was just one issue left. As daybreak is around 4 a.m. during summertime, the children's sleeping rooms are exposed to daylight very early in the morning. In solving this issue Nentwig donated additional blinds.
As a result, rooms are completely protected from sunlight and ensure undisturbed sleep for small sensitive patients. Additional insect protection guarantees an influx of fresh air without annoying insects. Thanks to the proper protection against heat and insects on the one hand and the largest possible supply of daylight on the other, children enjoy pleasant nights during summertime, which gives them a power for a new exciting day at Lichtblickhof.
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