Below we publish the Sustainability Report prepared by the FAKRO Team. This is a document that reflects our long-standing commitment to caring for the planet, the environment and social well-being. From the very beginning of our company, we have been guided by the idea of responsibility for the world around us. We believe that sustainable development is not only an obligation, but above all our mission and value that we want to implement every day.
This report has been developed to transparently communicate our activities, achievements, and future goals in three key areas, namely environmental, social, and corporate governance. We do believe that a detailed presentation of our initiatives and results not only strengthens the trust of our customers, business partners and local communities, but also inspires joint action for a sustainable future.
Considering the environmental aspect, this report outlines our efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, manage waste and protect natural resources. It describes specific projects we have implemented to minimise our impact on the environment and presents our ambitious goals for the future.
In the social sphere, this report highlights our initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life of our employees and the communities where we operate. It presents educational, health and social programs that support the development and well-being of those around us.
In terms of corporate governance, the report outlines our efforts around integrity, transparency, and ethics in business. It demonstrates our governance principles and organisational structures, which ensure that our operations are conducted responsibly and to the highest standards.
We encourage you to read the full report, believing that you will find the content present there valuable and inspiring. Our company remains committed to building a sustainable future. We invite you to join us on this journey – Together into a Green Future.
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